Fly By Night, Inc. is recognized by the IRS as a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit / tax-exempt organization. Donations are tax-deductible and all donated funds directly support our bat conservation efforts. CH12360
All content on this site is property of Fly By Night, Inc, and not to be duplicated for use without written permission |
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Research and Consulting is conducted for those needing information on bat related issues. Scientific information on species diversity and populations is gathered during surveys Several FBN research projects (1990 present) are listed on following pages along with short project summaries. |
FBN Research Projects |
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Our conservation efforts include providing assistance to a variety of public groups, private organizations, government agencies and individuals seeking information on bat related issues. We specialize in the conservation and management needs of colonial species. Our long-term projects include with Corynorhinus rafinesquii (Southeastern big-eared bat) and urban bat management (see Management) Scientific data field research projects are conducted inventory & monitoring (I & M) projects consist of species diversity, habitat and roost surveys; population monitoring using a variety of methods.