
How You Can Help Bats

Support The Conservation Efforts of Fly By Night

Thank you for your interest in supporting our bat conservation efforts!

Your support, no matter how small, makes it possible for us to continue helping bats.
We can’t thank you enough. 

Fly By Night, Inc. is recognized by the IRS and the State of Florida as a Section 501(c)(3) non-profit / tax-exempt organization (Florida DACS CH12360). We have been dedicated to the conservation and protection of bats and their habitat or over 30 years. Your generous donation of funds, supplies, equipment or services helps us continue to help bats! Your support of our bat conservation efforts is deeply appreciated and your donation may be tax deductible. Thank you for caring!

Make a Donation -

Online Donations are an easy way to support bat conservation. With just the click of a button you can donate online..

Become a Volunteer -

Volunteers are also needed to help us with research projects, data entry, database and website updates,or even weekly fruit delivery or maintenance at our captive facility.


Sponsor a Bat House -

During our population management efforts we encourage installation of bat houses to provide  alternate roost sites and  to mitigate for roost loss.  Some of our older bat houses (placed prior to 1994) will soon be in need of repair or even replacement.  In these situations we often donate bat houses when needed. Your online donation can sponsor the installation of a small FBN bat house or you can make a donation to cover our large pole mounted house (see houses). Each sponsor will receive a Thank You certificate with information about the location of ‘their’ bat house and a one year membership to either Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation or Bat Conservation International.

Corporate Support -

Discounts and / or donations of supplies or equipment greatly aids our conservation efforts during field research and population management projects.  Please contact us if your company can  provide support.

Speak Up -

Please help us educate others about how to help bats. Tell your friends and share the information you found here. Be a bat guardian, 'if you see something say something' also appliies to bats. Don't wait until it's too late, Please question and / or report anyone intentionally ot willfully endangering bats. If it 'doesn't look right', ask questions. Documentation is importamt, take pictures.

Tax Information
Please note — We do not use professional solicitors or fund raisers and all donations directly support our bat conservation efforts. Your generous donation helps us help bats! And may be tax deductible. CH12360.

Please direct any contribution questions to our Executive Director Laura Finn at

Need Help With Anything Bat Related?
Contact Us
Fly By Night, Inc. The Bat Specialists
P.O.Box 562
Osteen, FL 32764-0562
Phone: 407-414-2142
E-mail Us

© Fly By Night, Inc.